ESI New Course
Image For Activity Cover
2 Courses
Member: $500.00
Non-Member: $1,000.00
Credit TM Offered
20 CME Credit TM
This presentation will explore ways to improve patient outcomes and share the presenters approach to pre-operative duplex, intra-operative duplex, and post-operative surveillance in the efforts to save limb.

Upon completion of this course, attendees should be prepared to:

  • Discuss simple techniques for pre mapping CLTI patients
  • Describe the various approaches to peripheral intervention based on the duplex
  • Share the working relationship and value of vascular ultrasound in CLTI patients

Inland Marine Underwriters Association
14 Wall Street, Floor 8 New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 233 - 0550
Fax: (212) 227 - 5102

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